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 Sheikh Muhammad al Banna-19th Muharam 1428 7thFEB 2007

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ummUthaymeen As-Somaliyah

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Registration date : 08-11-24

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InläggRubrik: Sheikh Muhammad al Banna-19th Muharam 1428 7thFEB 2007   Sheikh Muhammad al Banna-19th Muharam 1428 7thFEB 2007 Emptylör nov 29, 2008 4:14 pm

Från: Farihah-فريحه (Ursprungligt meddelande) Skickat: 2007-02-18 21:10
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Sheikh Muhammad al Banna-19th Muharam 1428 7thFEB 2007

Last weekend, we had the pleasure of visiting our sheikh Muhammad Abdulwahhab al-Banna in Makkah, about 10 minutes before Asr prayer, the sheikh arrived through gate 94 in his electric wheelchair. The sheikh was born in 1916, 1333h a year or two after sheikh alAlbaani and sheikh Bin Baz rahimahumallaah. Now 91years (gregorian calender) but 94 in the hijri calender. The sheikh said that every 30 years (gregorian calender) add 1 year for the hijri calender to your life.

He faced the qiblah and prayed his tahyatul masjid, then took out his Qur'an and began to read. The sheikh completes the Qur'an twice in 1 week mashaallaah up and till today mashaallaah. I approached him and gave my salam and kissed his forehead, with so much enthusiasm he stressed that i must have dinner with him along with my family. Later other brothers were also invited. At maghrib time the sheikh again came early to the masjid and broke his fast as he fasts most of the month Muharram. He stayed in the masjid till the Isha prayer. Five times a day in the Haram mashaallaah. I asked him whether he goes to Jeddah twice a week as he used to. But he said that he will miss the haram. Then he calculated and said that 1 full day in the haram in salat is better that over 250 years of prayer!! Mashallaah. I asked whether he will visit us in Madinah and he said how can i give up 100 000 prayers for 1000!!

At dinner time he served us before eating making sure we were all happy mashaallaah.

Before Fajr the sheikh arrived less than an hour to go and he prayed his night prayers. His wife said that he prays the night prayer every night mashaallaah.

From the advice he gave was that we give a good impression of Islam to the non Muslims, then he mentioned his own story when he was giving da'wah to a preist in Birmingham, UK, who later agreed that Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam must really be a Prophet. He requested that sallam be given to Sheikh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree and other mashayakh in Madinah and made much du'a. Inshaallaah the full details will be included in his biography which is very beneficial indeed.

May Allaah bless the sheikh and protect him and the Muslims from all evil. Indeed he is one of the best examples of being a worshipper. Busying himself with that which concerns him, being good to his family and neighbours and guests seeking the pleasure of Allaah. Humble... The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said "Whoever humbles himself to Allaah, Allaah raises him"

Likewise the opposite is true...

How many have fallen because of arrogance, looking down at others with pride and haughtiness under hidden names slandering, not wishing for your brothers what one wishes for himself... guidance, to be forgiven, paradise.

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Just as you treat others you will be treated."

May Allaah forgive us for our short comings and guide us to the truth.Ameen
Abdulilah Lahmami

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Sheikh Muhammad al Banna-19th Muharam 1428 7thFEB 2007
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