Från: Umm_Amatillaah Skickat: 2005-02-03 21:27
Characteristics of the Female Hypocrites
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2. Al-Mukhtali‘aat: Women Who Ask Their Husbands For Divorce For No Reason
In the Hadeeth narrated by Ahmad, an-Nasaa'ee, and at-Tirmidhee on the authorities of Abu Hurairah and Thawbaan, Allaah's Messenger (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said:
“Al-Mukhtali‘aat are the female Hypocrites.” [2]
Khul‘ is defined by the scholars as being the same as removal of one's garment. This means when the woman seeks to remove (i.e. divorce) her husband from her. This understanding is taken from the words of Allaah:
“It is made lawful for you to have sexual relations with your wives on the nights of fasting. They are a Lîbaas [i.e. body cover or Garment] for you and you are a Libaas for them....” [Surah Al-Baqarah: 187]
The legal understanding of the term (khul') implies that a woman pay a man (her husband) a certain amount of money to end their marital union. If the money (property) is not exchanged then the khul‘ is incomplete and void.
On a whole, the process of khul‘ is sanctioned by Islamic law if done properly and asked for due to the right reasons. Valid reasons for khul‘ vary by circumstance, but in general a few valid reasons for seeking khul‘ are:
1. The husband is of a harsh temperament
2. He harms (abuses) his wife
3. The woman fears that by remaining with him, she will not establish the dictates of Allaah in what He has obligated on her, such as mutual love and companionship.
The khul‘ that is prohibited and earns a woman what we have described from the words of Allaah's Messenger (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) is that which is done without a valid religious, moral or proper reason. This type of khul‘ leads a woman to nifaaq (hypocrisy), because she scorns the laws of Allaah regarding mutual love and companionship.
For further clarification on the laws pertaining to this issue, refer to the verified books of Fiqh and ask the scholars when you do not know.
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