From: MSN NicknameUmm_Amatillaah (Original Message) Sent: 5/17/2005 3:58 PM
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem, wal hamdulillaah wa salaat wa salaam 'ala habeebina Muhammad, wa ba'd.
Topic: He is Allaah, The All Knowing!!!
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03-16-2003 @ 12:00 AM Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 195
Joined: Aug 2002
ÇáÚáíã The All Knowing
“The One who knows everything in the seven heavens and the seven earths, and whatever is between them, and whatever is beneath the ground, and whatever is in the depths of the oceans, and the place where each hair grows, and every tree, and the place where each leaf falls, and the number of stones there are, and the number of the grains of sand and soil, and the weight of the mountains, and all of the actions of the servants and the traces they leave behind, and their speech and every breath they take. He knows everything; nothing is hidden from Him, whilst He is upon the Throne, above the seven heavens – He – The Perfect and Most High”. (Imaam Ahmad. Taken from ar Radd alal Jahmiyyah)
He knows whatever was, is and will be, before it occurs, and He knows the true hidden reality of everything and He knows whatever is not to be and how it would if it were to exist, and He has always been the All-Knowing, perfect in his knowledge.
Taken from the research of the meanings of Allaah's names by abu Talha Daawud Burbank ÍÝÙå Çááå
Subhaanallaahi wa bihamdihi!!!
If we ponder upon just this one name of Allaah we should come to the question of ‘how do we dare to disobey One who has such knowledge?!!!’ How do these people fool around with this da’wah and think that they will be safe?!!! How do these foolish ones deny such names for Allaah?!!!
O Allaah let us be of those who are affected by your names and attributes and preserve them as they should be preserved!
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This message was edited by abusalmaan on 3-17-03 @ 9:01 AM