Allaah has absolved, Allaah has excused, Allaah has pardoned, Allaah has forgiven, Allaah has done away with for this Ummah , for me – My ummah, for this nation, this Ummah of Islaam all the things that they think about --all the things that comes to their minds and their hearts – all those evil thoughts about backbiting their brother, and slandering their sister, and picking up that glass of beer, whisky or wine, when they have the thought ofsmoking the marua'ana or have the thought to commit zinaa (wa iyyadubillaah) or have the thought of stealing or robbing or any of those evil thoughts or even worse -- thoughts about prophets and messengers of Allaah,which some of us unfortunately have in our heads and in our minds orthoughts that are bad about Muhammad [image: Peace and blessings be upon him] himself –Allaah subhana wa ta'ala has excused us and pardoned us. 'Maa lam tha'lam awthatha kallam.' As long as we don't do those things or say those things then, those things that are in our minds of evil – those things that are in our minds that whisper to us from our nafs or from Shaitaan or evil, of wretchedness, those horrible thoughts that come to our minds we areforgiven. Walillaahil Hamd we are forgiven.
The companions of the Messenger of Allaah [image: Peace and blessings beupon him] -- they were the best of human beings after the prophets and the messengers but they also used to have bad thoughts. As the hadith of the companions of theProphet [Peace and blessings be upon him said : 'that a party of the companions of the messenger of Allaah Peace and blessings be upon him] they came to him asking him : O' Messenger of Allaah, one of us have some things in the inside of our heads. We have some thoughts that comes to our minds that are so ugly, they are so horrendous, they are so horrible, they are so evil that we are even afraid to talk about them. The Messenger of Allaah [ Peace and blessings be upon him said :
Do you really have those type of thoughts in your minds? You really have those evil thoughts in your minds, you really find those things in your minds?' They said : 'Yes, we have these evil thoughts O' Messenger of Allaah.' The Messenger of Allaah [Peace and blessings be uponhim said: 'zaakaa sarihul Imaan. Zaakaa sarihul Imaan … -- that is clear, pure,faith.'
In another narration collected by Imaam Abu Dawuud (rahimahullaah): the prophet [image: Peace and blessings be upon him said,
'Allaahu Akbar, Allaahu Akbar, Allaahu Akbar.., Allaah is theGreatest, Allaah is the Greatest, Allaah is the Greatest, Praise be toAllaah the one Who has diminished, has minimized those evil thoughts to just a whisper..
to just a whisper so that you want say it or you won't do it Walillaahil Hamd.
*2nd part of the Khutbah** *
Our beloved brothers and sisters in Islaam, those of you who have been pardoned by Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala for the evil thoughts that you have inyour minds and the evil suggestions that come to your hearts, O you whobelieve those of you who has been excused from those wretched ideas that you have, we must realize that we are human beings. We are fragile creatures. Weare human beings that are created weak.
We are human beings that are notable to control ourselves except Allaah subhana wa ta'ala gives us mercy to us – and except that Allaah subhana wa ta'ala gives the bounty to us. We are creatures that we are not able to control ourselves as the Prophet [image:Peace and blessings be upon him he said,
'that when Allaah warned Adam in Jannah and left Adam as He wanted to leave him, for the time He wanted to leave him -- then Iblees went around Adam looking at him and he saw that he was a creature at the point 'into him'
As Ibn Kathir (rahimahullaah) says,
'going into him from his nostrils and out from his backside, checking him out and finding he was hollow – he realized that Adam was a creature 'Laa yatha maalak' -- that he was a creature who could not control himself. We are blessed by Allaah subhana wa ta'ala to have the sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah [Peace and blessings be upon him] to explain to us what to do.
We are blessed by Allaah subhana wa ta'ala tohave the Qura'an to seek refuge with Allaah subhana wa ta'ala so that whenwe go to bed at night – we cup our hands and we say : "Qul Huwallaahu Ahad,.. and we say Qul Aoozu birabbil Falaq and we say Qul Aoozu birabbin Naas..'so that Shaitaan or any evil will not approach us and then we spit in ourhands and we wipe as much of our bodies that we can and we say Ayatul Kursi– the verse of the footstool before we go to bed and we seek refuge with Allaah subhana wa ta'ala when we walk into the bathroom from the Khubz walKhabaiz – from the male and female jinns and we seek refuge with Allaahtabarak wa ta'ala before we approach our wives, making dua against Shaitaan and him against his Qaidaah —against his plots and his harming our children.. and we can go on and on ..
What Allaah and His Messenger [image: Peace and blessings be upon him have given us to protect ourselves from Shaitaan and to protect ourselves from the whispers of our nafs and the Ulamaa in following the way of theProphet [Peace and blessings be upon him they have explained to us that everything begins as a 'khatrah' -- everything begins as a 'thought'. So they have said, 'Protect yourselves !! Ward off the thoughts !! And if you don't ward off the thoughts, then the thought will become an idea. And ward off and make guard against the idea – because if you don't ward off the idea then it will become lust, it will becomelust.
It first begins as a thought brothers, then sisters it becomes an idea.. if you don't ward yourself and guard yourself from the original thought,that thought will become an idea and if you don't guard yourself from that idea, then it will become 'shahwa' – lust. Now you have to make war on the shahwa. Now you have to make war, jihad on your desires, on your lusts. And if you don't do that then that desire, that lust becomes resolved in determination. And if you don't make war on that determination and resolve the results from that thought, from that idea that is transmuted that changed from idea to lust then it will become'Azeema wahimma' -- it will become resolved in determination.
And if you don't defend yourself from that , if you don't make jihad on that, then it becomes an action. And if you don't protect yourself and ward off from that and do the opposite of that action, then it becomes a habit. Then it becomes a habit --- that thing becomes 'you'. And it is going to be very, very difficult to get rid of this. It is going to be very, very difficult to get rid of this. If you don't do the opposite of that thing that has become an action, it will become a habit and the Ulamaa of science say 'that we are creatures of habits.' It starts with a thought. It starts with a thought which becomes an idea, an idea that becomes lust and a lust that becomes resolve and you let these things become planted in your heart and in your mind and then it becomes 'you'.
First a thought comes : 'Tell a lie.'Then when you don't do something about that, it becomes an idea. It becomesan ideology in your heads. And then if you don't do that, it becomes adesire. And if you don't make war on that, then it becomes resolve –something that is becoming firmly planted in the soil of your nafs, in thedirt of your nafs and your nafs now becomes a seed that has become firmly rooted. And if you don't do that and get rid of that, then it becomes an action and from an action it becomes a habit.
Abu Sumail (rahimahullah) one of the Tabi'oon, Sammaak Ibn Waleed (rahimahullaahi ta'ala) said :
'I asked Ibn Abbas (radiallaahu anhu) there is something that I find in my chest.' Ibn Abbas said, 'What is it that you find in your chest.' He said: 'It is something Wallaahi ya Abdullaah, (it means Abdullaah Ibn Abbas, I swear by Allaah), I don't want to even mention it as it is so evil.' Ibn Abbas started laughing and said : Allaah tabarakwa ta'ala says 'if you have doubt about anything which Allaah has revealed, then ask the people of the Book – those who came before you for they also had doubts. To get rid of it that evil thought you should say that Allaah is :'*Huwal Awwalu wal Aakhiru, wad(z) (Z) Daahiru wal-Baatinu, wahuwa ala'akulli shai'in aleem.*'
This is what you should say. This is what Abdullaah ibn Abbas said. When those evil thoughts come to you or you have any doubts about your Deen, you have any doubts about the angels, you have any doubts about the messengers, you have any doubts about the sunnah, you have any doubts about anything of Islaam – you have any doubts whatsoever then say :
'*Huwal Awwalu wal Aakhiru, wad(z) (Z) Daahiru wal-Baatinu, wahuwa ala'akulli shai'in aleem.*' We ask Allaah subhana wa ta'ala to protect us from the evil of ourselves, from the shuroor of our Anfus, from the evil of our nafs (when they whisper to us) and we ask Allaah to give us protection from the Shayateen – both from the Jinn and the men and we ask Allaah subhana wa ta'ala by His Greatest Name to let us see His face and be in the closest proximity of theProphet Muhammad [Peace and blessings be upon him]